In-company training programs, assessments and development processes – tailored to the actual needs.
Leadership and Management
Leadership Culture Development
As leaders, we need to be the change we want to see in the world. (After Gandhi)
Organizational Culture Development
Culture is the foundation of all our aspirations. Nurture it, care for it, and everything will be easier!
Leadership Effectiveness
„The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.” (Ken Blanchard)
Organizational Effectiveness
„Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow-minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.” (Henry Mintzberg)
Becoming a Leader
„We will train our new leaders after they have proven that they can do what’s expected!” (Average firm)
Performance Appraisal, Performance Management
Performance appraisal systems don’t just improve effectiveness, but also lower staff turnover – if done well.
Employee Satisfaction
Sales Management
„The best sales managers may spend 50% of their time coaching their people.” (Dave Kurlan)
Salesperson Development
“Low paid salesmen are expensive. High paid salesmen are cheap.” (Philip Kotler)
Asserting Our Interest, Negotiation Techniques
„You do not get what you want. You get what you negotiate.” (Harvey Mackay)
Creating Customer Experience
Customer Experience: Organizational Level
„The level of external service will never exceed the level of our internal service”
Customer Experience: Individual Level
Our staff, who are in contact with our customers, manage the revenue taps.
Dealing With Difficult Situations
The secret to dealing with difficult situations is to control and minimize our personal emotional involvement.
Effectiveness and Communication
Effective Communication
“If you wish to persuade me, you must think my thoughts, feel my feelings, and speak my words.” – Cicero
Overwhelm, Burnout
Workplace burnout has reached 40% in the developed world. In such an environment, both peak performance and managing staff turnover are impossible.
Asserting Our Interest, Negotiation Techniques
„You do not get what you want. You get what you negotiate.” (Harvey Mackay)
Presentation Techniques, Effective Presentations
Present your products and solutions confidently and persuasively
Resilience, VUCA, Coping with Stress
It is not true that change is constant. The nature of change has changed, and it becomes harder and harder to tolerate it.
Team Building and Collaboration
Assessment and Diagnostics
Sales Assessments
Our assessments are optimized for the sales profession and can be interpreted by anyone. They show what to develop in whom, who will perform, and who is not worth investing in.
Personality Profile System as a development tool supporting self and people skills in the field of education and selection
Organizational Culture Assessment
Culture provides the fertile soil for all organizational aspirations.
Personality Assessments
Personality is difficult to perceive from the outside, and the process takes time as well. However, personality is the basis of all our thoughts, attitudes, and actions.
Social Network Analysis
Look beyond the formal organizational processes and become aware of what is actually going on!
Harmonious Work Relationships
DiSC® Personality Profile System, a self and people skills development tool for education and selection. Available in paper format and online version.
Training internal trainers
DiSC® Personality Profile System as a self and people skills development tool for training and selection, unlocking the potential and power of culture in employees.