Consultative Sales

Consultative Sales

Product-focused sales belongs to the past. Get to know your customers, their desires and needs thoroughly, customize your solution, and build a long-term relationship with them!

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Ideal class size:



2 days

“The key is to ask questions, and not to talk so much”

Most salespeople already know that it’s better to ask questions to identify the customer's needs and provide solutions than to crank out rehearsed presentations. But few use a conscious questioning strategy beyond simply asking a few questions that are absolutely necessary to make an offer. Yet needs analysis offers great opportunities to create value for the customer and differentiate yourself from the competition by creating a lasting experience! The key is to

  • Ask more questions,
  • Ask better questions,
  • Ask questions that build on each other, and
  • Ask deeper questions than others.
As the result of our Consultative Sales program, you will:
  • Shorten the sales cycle: If you get the needs assessment right, most of the sale will already be done here – and your customer will be motivated to close the deal as soon as possible.

  • Differentiate yourselves from the competition: Your client feels that you’re great at what you do and that they’re getting the highest level of care and attention.

  • Build deeper relationships: You make relationship building deeper, right from the start of the sales cycle, and rely less on superficial chit-chat that our customers are less open to.

  • Increase sales and margins: Your higher quality proposals improve closing rates because fewer objections are raised. And your solution, which is tailored to your partner’s business and personal motivations, reduces price sensitivity – the customer feels less compelled to negotiate fees or request alternative offers.

Not just skills: a philosophy

Selling consultatively means re-evaluating the whole sales process. Already during the introduction, we position ourselves and the company in a different way, which paves the way for a more in-depth needs assessment. Throughout your enquiry strategy, you will be mindful of the potential obstacles that may arise during the subsequent proposal, presentation, closing and objection handling phases, and will do everything possible at this early stage to avoid them. As this sales method requires a strong presence, it is all about looking at the situation through the customer’s eyes and making it easier for them to buy, creating a unique experience for them. As a result, we think in terms of strategic relationships rather than transactions, to create maximum value for both parties in the long term. The result: increased sales with more satisfied customers, with better margins.

This philosophy is effectively furthered in our Writing Persuasive Proposals program.

Flexible format
Classroom (offline) training

The trainer and the participants meet personally in the classroom.

Virtual (online) training

We hold the program on an internet platform (e.g.: Teams).

Further solutions:

  • Salesperson assessment →
  • Negotiation Technique →
  • Effective Business Presentations →
  • Writing Persuasive Proposals →
  • Field Exercises →
  • The Art of Sales →
  • Client Acquisition, Cold Calling →

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