Performance Appraisal / Performance Management
Performance Appraisal / Performance Management
There are only a few companies where the stakeholders are satisfied with the goal setting and appraisal conversations. However, if we do them well, we can have a significant impact on both productivity and staff turnover.

Who should attend:
Leaders on all levels
Ideal class size:
2 days
Performance management is one of the essential processes of successful companies. It provides a framework to roll-out strategic initiatives, for the daily people management, and the strengthening of partnership between leaders and followers. If leaders recognize and capitalize on the opportunities provided by this framework, keeping and retaining talented employees also becomes easier.
For that to happen, though, we need to do this well – rather than treating it as a chore to just get over with. One condition for this is focusing on the entire performance management cycle, rather than just appraising performance.
As the result of our Performance Management program, you will:

Improving Performance Management
Many leaders still consider performance appraisal discussions as “needed by HR”, and do not see how their energy invested in these conversations would generate a return. This attitude is reflected by how seriously they take this process.
However, a well-run appraisal system helps reaching strategic and tactical goals, lowering staff turnover and integrating the coaching and development mindset into daily people management. The success of the whole system depends mainly on the attitude of the managers. This is our focus of the Performance Management program, in addition to providing the necessary key skills to operate the system successfully.