Generation Issues

Generation Issues

  • Motivation

    2022. December 5.

    Unleashing their motivation is essential for the younger generations. What can we do for that on a day-to-day basis – regardless of their pay?

  • Building Trust

    2022. December 9.

    Younger employees are especially sensitive around mutual trust. Map your behaviors that build or erode trust, and eliminate any shortcomings!

  • Coaching Essentials

    2022. December 9.

    Continuous development is often more important than money, especially for the young. This need can only be satisfied with intentional leadership and a self-confident application of coaching skills.

  • SLII®. Powering Inspired Leaders

    2022. December 9.

    We will not be able to motivate employees in different situations and ages with one kind of leadership style only. We must understand, who needs what style in the given situation, and then deliver it, as part of our daily people management.

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